Information related to the ESS Conference (Solid State Circuits and Devices):
Deadline for paper submission delayed.
The deadline for paper submission was extended from 15th of April to 25th of April, 2013. The term for notification of acceptance remains the same: 7th of June, 2013.

The Final Call for Papers
is available here for ESSDERC 2013 and here for ESSCIRC 2013. Also, the Conference poster was updated and it is available here.
Key information about electronic submission.
Your paper should be uploaded at All information for authors is available at the submission site.
The Conference site displays for the first time information about sponsors (see the entry on the left bar, on any page).

On the ESSDERC page, you may find information about the
Awards attributed for ESSDERC 2012 (see here). The awards will be forwarded to the winners at the Bucharest edition, of the Conference this year.
