Information related to the ESS Conference (Solid State Circuits and Devices):
New! The provisional Conference Program is available on the Conference site (see Conference Program on either ESSDERC or ESSCIRC site or go directly to . Only minor changes are expected: the plan of the sessions will remain the same. The authors should go to the sessions appropriate for their track (sub-domain) and their paper. See also the Plenary talks and Keynote speeches.

Key information for authors. The deadline for uploading the final form of papers is 15th of July, 2013. They also have to send the same copyright form by same deadline. Form here: . This is essential to complete the Conference Proceedings. The above applies to authors of regular papers or invited session papers, as well as to authors of plenary talks or keynote papers.
For all participants. The deadline for early registration is 10th of July, 2013. The rooms at J. W. Marriot Hotel (Conference Venue) are reserved only until 15th of July. For other hotels, see the appropriate entry on the Conference Webpage.
