Do you have already information about ESSCIRC/ESSDERC 2013 (Bucharest, 16-20 September 2013, deadline for submitting papers: 15th of April, 2013)?
- If this answer is NO, please click here in order to get the essential information about this event.
- If this answer is YES, you have below, at a glance, the news!
- You may want to check again the topics of the twin conferences. Here there is the information for ESSCIRC 2013, and ESSDERC 2013, respectively.
- Do you intend to submit a paper? You can find here the basic information. More details will be available soon on the official conference site.
- Highlights of the Conference: The reputed keynote speakers from three continents will deliver plenary talks. Here you can find a preliminary list (5 from a total of 12 planned talks). These talks will be delivered during the conference days (17-19 September 2013).
- The conference will be preceded by tutorials (16th of September) and followed by workshops (20th of September). An exhibition will be organized from 16 to 20 of September.
- Do you want to have a look at the possible accommodation places in Bucharest? The organizers checked for a wide range of hotels and they obtained discount prices. All information is available on the official conference site. Direct access here.
- Do you need a visa to enter Romania? No, if you have an EU passport. If this is not the case, you have to enter the site of the Romanian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and check. Please, click here.
