AMS 2000 Trading Impex SRL – Analytic laboratory Division is the exclusive distributor in Romania of Rigaku Corporation – Japan. We provide installation, training and service for all equipments.

Rigaku business lines:
X-ray Technologies
o X-ray diffraction (XRD)
o single crystal X-ray diffraction (protein and small molecule)
o X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF)
o Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)
o Optics, detectors, goniometers
Rigaku Raman technologies
o Innovative new Raman hand held spectrometers - World’s highest performance hand held

Rigaku innovative solutions enable a wide range of customers to make rapid technological advancements. From advancing scientific knowledge in academia to enabling competitive advantage in industry, Rigaku is a world leader in providing analytical solutions for industry, chemistry, physics, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, semiconductor, and nanotechnology.

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